Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bank of America battens down the hatches

As the first big storm of the season pounds the Pacific Northwest, it looks like Bank of America is starting to batten down the hatches. Well, truth be told, they started doing this a few months ago. Apparently Bank of America has been posting guards at some of their banks (good idea, because you've got a lot of pissed off customers) and barricaded the doors in some cases, to stop customers from making withdrawals.

So let me get this want 29 million people to entrust you with their money, and then you want to stop them when they attempt to retrieve what is rightfully theirs?

Seriously, other than the fact that Bank of America has been physically stopping people from taking their money back out of the bank, WHY is anybody doing business at all with this corporation anymore?

Thanks to Janice for bringing the YouTube footage to my attention, and to for bringing it to her attention.

1 comment:

  1. Did I read this right???? I want to go into a bank that has MY money, and take it out and the Bank is NOT letting me???? People wake up !!!! This is happening in America????? Bank of America is now posting guards at their doors???
    We need to put an end to this right now!!!
