Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear Brian Moynihan, somebody thinks you suck at your job.

Another brand new gem from The Rip-Off Report, and I swear I didn't write it!
It was some guy named Joe in Lake Tahoe. 

B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  B of A cannot properly post payments nor keep track of what they've done or haven't done.  Please see my e-mail conversation with B of A where B of A just stole my $11,500 payments they had posted as pre-paid, then just disappeared it all off their records ($11,500!!) when they promised me in writing a 84 month loan mod but instead did only a 60 month.
B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  Brian T. Moynihan, B of A CEO, has refused to look at or consider my B of A original mortgage statements, my cashed checks to B of A nor my bank statements nor the Washoe County RecordersOfficer where B of A still illegally has their Notice of Default filed against my home because B of A's incorrect records NOW have no records of their Notice of Default.
B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  Although Nevada AB 149 requires it, B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan REFUSED United States Representative (Rep) Dean Heller’s request for the required mediation with Lance Allen.
B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan WON'T look at the Washoe County Recorder's records where their illegal Notice of Default is still filed because B of A's internal records NOW incorrectly have noNotice of Default records?!
B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan WON'T look at their B of A original mortgage statements, my cashed checks to B of A nor my bank statements for when B of A was posting my payments as $11,500 pre-paid because B of A's internal records NOW incorrectly have no such records?!  My $11,500 just disappeared off the B of A books.
B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan SUCKS At His Job.  B of A's CEO Brian T. Moynihan has refused to honor the 84 month loan mod contract they sent me in writing and I relied on and paid them UPFRONT for.    For unknown reasons, B of A changed our contract without my permission or prior knowledge to 60 months.
Joe, good luck to you. Your situation totally SUCKS.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this stinks. We will never bank with them.
